Wednesday 24 February 2010

PART 1: Project: Dividing the Frame, Exercise: Positioning the Horizon

The images on the left have varying horizon positions.

The first has the horizon in the lowest third of the frame and in this image the sky takes prominence with the foreground a secondary element.

In the second image, the horizon is in the middle and this gives equal prominence to foreground and background.

The third has the horizon on an upper third and in this case the foreground becomes the subject but the sky still plays a part.

In the final image the horizon is farther up the image and the sky plays almost no part in the composition

Key Learning Points

Horizon position influences the extent to which the foreground or background influences the composition.

This also applies to other dividing lines in an image e.g. ground and building line.

It is also equally applicable to vertical divisions in an image.

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