Thursday 25 February 2010

PART 1: Project: Cropping & Extending

For this exercise I took three of my images without thinking too much about the cropping potential and then looked for alterantive crops:

The first image was taken primarily to show the sunset sky but focussing in on the clump of trees as a more prominent subject and changing to a vertical composition provides an alternative. I placed the tree clump on a horizontal third and the sky transition from orange to blue seems to fall nicely off centre as well.

For this second image I tried a horizontal and vertical crop placing the window on a third. The vertcial one worked best. The character of the image changes from being about the building to being more about the texture and pattern of the brickwork.

For the third image, I processed it to bring out the drama in the sky and then focused in on a small set of the buildings placing them on a third low down to give prominence to the sky. In this case I think the impact of the sky is lost a bit by cropping.

Key Learning Points

Cropping is a valid means of composition and alternatives should be explored but the principles of composition still need to be followed for the crop.

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