Monday 23 November 2009

INTRO Project: Focus, exercise - Focus With a different Aperture

For this exercise I took a series of photographs at every f stop on my camera @ 80 mm focal length. On a subset of these images I've highlighted areas out of focus in B&W to illustrate the changing area of sharpness.







I've learned a couple of things from this exercise:

In the past, I've always thought of depth of field in extremes i.e. maximum or minimum aperture that I can get away with. I think I need to consider the extent of depth of field a lot more as a compositional element.

I noticed from the above sequence that the depth of field extended to the right more than the left as the aperture value increased. I put this down to the minimum focusing distance on the lens. So the area in focus is not just affected by aperture - the closeness of the lens to the subject also needs to be kept in mind.

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