Monday, 23 August 2010

PART 2: Project: Lines, Exercise: Diagonals

This image works very well for me, it implies a sense of busyness and strength with the diagonal ropes moving in several directions holding many things in place. The diagonals converge on a single point, I think this balances the dynamics and tensions of the ropes in the image with a point of stability.

These two abstract images of a ploughed field all have a sense of movement / direction. The first image has a slight curve which adds to the feeling of moving over the hill. The second image has a strong sense of movement, the diagonals appear to me like arrow heads on a diagram. Also because the boundaries of the field are not resolved in the image, this gives a perception of space and a large area.

This image is an example of diagonals produced by perspective and in this case, the effect is different. There is still a sense of movement in the image but it is one of moving the eye through the frame creating depth in the image. In this image, I was trying to emphasise the texture of the log but on reflection it could also have been a diagonal pointing to an area of interest in the composition.

Key Learning Points

Diagonals in composition provide a sense of travel and movement more so than horisontal lines, they can also point to something in a composition because the eye will move with them - more so than horiziontals and verticals.

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